I make songs, not just any songs, but extrapeculiar songs

Mr Mate @ChordC


Planet Earth

Joined on 12/14/20

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15 5 Points

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Top Gun 50 Points

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Gunslinger 10 Points

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Latest News

Greetings Humans,

I am Chord C, song composer, music listener, soon-to-be pilot, aviation enthusiast, and generally a curios person. Feel free to check my releases, links, and albums down here:

Here is my latest release, album cover by @MATRVG and @Mejson:


Album link: https://songwhip.com/chord-c/addition-of-reductions

Now, story time:

I have known about this website since I was 8, and have watched some Newgrounds (NG) contents and played some NG games for quite a while at that age, but then I forgot about when I reached around 10-11 years old. What I fondly remembered at those times were watching Counter Strike animations, played some Flash games like Shift Heads, Crush the Castle, and numerous other Flash games that I couldn't remember. Fun fact, I didn't even have an NG account back then, I have only made an account in December 2020, and it was the result of me trying to find one of my favorite Counter Strike (CS) animations that I watched when I was little.

And so this is how the story goes. I had forgotten about this site for around a decade, up until I had he urge to find one of my childhood animations. Maybe it was one of those moments where you have grown up, and you wanna have some nostalgic experience from your childhood or something. And so, I commenced a hunt for this CS animation series that I remember watching as a kid. I scoured through YouTube and NG, but to no avail... Until I stumbled upon a playlist on YouTube, Then lo and behold, I have found them. The animator of the CS series is none other than @Mejson (be sure to check him out!). The series' name is CS.SiFvsSa2C (I know, no wonder I couldn't remember the name), and you can find them here:

Also, they are being remastered by @MATRVG be sure to check him out too!

After I have found @Mejson on YouTube, I wrote a comment on one of his videos. Surprisingly, he replied! And we both chatted on YouTube comment section for a while. He told me that he was still animating. Coincidentally, I have gained interest in composing songs since I was in high school, and I have been getting a hang of it. I told him that I can make songs for him if he is interested, fortunately, he accepted the offer, and so begins my "career" on NG. I immediately created an NG account and continued our conversation there. That was when I met @Mejson 's crew. From then on, I started composing songs for his animations, and the crew was impressed. They won't need to use copyrighted and find royalty-free songs anymore :)

After a while, @MATRVG joined the party, his circumstances are the same as mine (Watched @Mejson 's animation in his childhood, and rewatching it again as an adult). And boy he is a very nice addition, since he is also a Stick Animator. Check his Line of Work series here:


I am now making songs for two Stick Animators, and I am very happy with that. Note that I am not really a "Professional" song composer, I do not use fancy DAWs or VSTs, I only use Ipad Garageband. Though limited, it gets the job done XD. I want to expand my skills and knowledge of course, though I am very busy with pilot school for now (yes, I also want to become a commercial pilot). As a result, I am not able to be very "active" in my music-composing career. In other words, I am only doing this as a hobby. 

And that is my story, feel free to check out my releases, links, and albums! Also check out @Mejson and @MATRVG!

Finally, I wanna make a shoutout to some amazing people I have found and interacted on this site:

  • @ZaazNG one of the most talented all-round artists I have ever known. Thank you for the complements and feedbacks btw!
  • @VortexSupernova talented artist and composer. Thank you for the reviews and letting me use one of your arts for AIM!
  • @Percentblue Talented composer and musician. Thank for the reviews and feedback!
  • @Cyberdevil A generally friendly, helpful, and talented artist in this site. Thank you for the collaboration btw!
  • @Jabun A good guy who mastered one of my songs for a collaboration with @Cyberdevil
  • @LexRodent Talented composer and musician. Thank you for your feedbacks on my songs!
  • @MariogD @Mejson 's brother who initially came up with the idea of making CS animations back in the day.
  • @AzureDragoonGX Talented writer in @Mejson ' s crew.

I will be minding my own business now. 

Thank you so much for your time, have a nice day!


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